Guest-written by RWC's Marketing Director, Safiyyah Abinet
Welcome back to another exciting edition of The Tuesday Leader! It's great to have you with us again. Today, I'm discussing leadership in this wild age of remote work.
The screen that separates us from our teams can sometimes feel like a bridge, connecting us, while at other times, it can be an unexpected barrier, distancing us. It's time to shatter the shackles of control and embrace the real key to unlocking your team's potential in the virtual realm: trust.
Setting Clear Expectations - No Excuses
Ambiguity is the breeding ground for micromanagement. Your team craves clarity. Vague instructions pave the path to disappointment, so the responsibility is yours - create a crystal-clear roadmap, project plan, or job description that leaves no room for doubt.
Empower or Stifle - The Choice Is Yours
Micromanagement is the embodiment of a trust deficit. Instead of micromanaging, trust your team to make decisions, solve problems, and deliver results. Empower them to take the reins and act on their own initiative. Show them that you believe in their abilities, and watch them flourish.
Communication: Don't Skimp on It
Even in the virtual workplace, communication is the lifeblood of relationships. Keep those Teams and Slack channels wide open, and encourage questions, concerns, and progress updates. Regular check-ins and one-on-one meetings are not luxuries; they're the life support of the digital domain.
Outcomes, Not Busy Work
Let's face it: no one cares about the process. What matters is the result. Obsessing over the "how" is counterproductive. Trust that your team will find their path to success, and learn to embrace their ingenuity and let go of the need to watch their every move.
Provide Resources - It's Your Job
Don't wash your hands of resource responsibility. Ensure your team has everything they need to shine. Training, technology, peer support - it's on you to make it happen. An empowered team starts with proper equipment.
Recognition: It's Not a Luxury
Remember that your team consists of people, not robots. Celebrate their achievements - a little recognition goes a long way in fuelling motivation. When they feel valued, their commitment soars.
Trust, but Verify to Avoid Micromanagement
Trust is crucial, but it doesn't mean turning a blind eye. Trust your team, yes, but occasional verification is essential. Regular check-ins ensure things stay on track without slipping into micromanagement. It's a delicate balance.
Now, a word from RWC's Career Coach and Founder, Rachel Wells on her experience in micromanagement:
"As I reflect on my journey as a manager, I can't help but recall a defining moment when I stumbled into the glaring truth about clear instructions, trust, and the pitfalls of micromanagement. It's a story I'm sharing with you because it's a lesson that cut to the core of my leadership style, and I believe it's a lesson that can resonate with all of us.
"Early in my managerial career, I was tasked with a crucial compliance assignment for a project that was on everyone's radar, especially my senior stakeholders. The pressure was palpable, and I was determined to prove myself. With the best of intentions, I drafted an email outlining the task at hand and its importance, sent it out to my team, and believed my job was done.
"But there was a pivotal detail I overlooked - the deadline. Yes, I had forgotten to include that all-important piece of the puzzle. As days passed, uncertainty seeped in, and I began questioning my team's progress, inadvertently stepping into the trap of micromanagement. What should have been a straightforward process became a source of confusion and tension!
"It was a humbling moment. I realized that clarity was the linchpin to trust and the key to sidestepping the micromanagement abyss. Had I been clear from the outset, laying out not just what needed to be done but also when it needed to be completed and who to reach out to for any clarifications, I could have spared myself and my team the ordeal.
"This experience transformed my approach to leadership. I understood that a simple habit - the habit of including every aspect of a direction clearly in my communications - could work wonders. It wasn't just about avoiding the quagmire of micromanagement; it was about being a leader who truly understood the task at hand, one who wasn't fumbling in the dark but leading with clarity."
"My journey has been filled with lessons learned the hard way, and this one has stuck with me. It's a reminder that even the most seasoned leaders can stumble, but it's in our capacity to learn and grow from those experiences that we find our true leadership potential."
Leadership hinges on trust, not control. By following these steps - setting clear expectations, empowering your team, maintaining open communication, focusing on outcomes, providing resources, recognizing achievements, and balancing trust and verification - you'll propel yourself into remote leadership greatness. Remember, trust is a two-way street. Demonstrate your belief in your team's abilities, and watch them rise to the occasion. Bid adieu to micromanagement, and say hello to a more productive and harmonious virtual work environment. Trust us; it's worth it.
Best regards, Safiyyah Abinet RWC's Marketing Director and Curator of The Tuesday Leader
As a corporate coach, Rachel has had the privilege of mentoring and coaching numerous managers throughout her career. From recruitment to tech, non-profits to education, and even hospitality. She has seen first-hand the transformative power of effective leadership. Seven of Rachel's own employees were promoted and progressed to other roles internally as a result of her coaching leadership approach.
Imagine the incredible possibilities that await your organization when you fully leverage your existing talent. If you're ready to witness transformational results and take your business to new heights, let's join forces.
There are are a few ways that Rachel can help you:
Leadership Coaching
Strengths-Based Coaching
Team Leadership Coaching
Goal Achievement Coaching
Time Management Coaching
Continuous Development Coaching